The Road by Cormac McCarthy

I know what you're thinking. Creepy post-apocalyptic book...hmm...your English teacher probably made you read that. Well. Yes. Nevertheless, it was a pretty good book. Classically cynical, really. The story of a nameless father and son traversing a ruined America, with the vague goal of reaching the coast. On the way, they must forage for food and other supplies and avoid other humans--because humans mean a variety of dangers, few of which bear thinking about. It's a grim, gray, and ash-covered portrait of the future, to be sure. McCarthy's writing is excellent; sometimes fragmented but the words melt together like poetry. (Dang it, I sound like an English teacher). Overall the book is slow, but the action parts are well-written and haunting. It gives you a lot to think about. 

For: adults and older teens
Content rating: 3/5  There's some pretty graphic violence and cannibalism.
My enjoyment: 3/5

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