Once upon a time there was a guy who went on vacation with his family. While on vacation, he would be sure to check back with his family every few days to show them his fish pictures. The rest of the time, he was hard at work deceiving fish; depriving them of their well-deserved peace of mind and occasionally their carefree lives. To compensate, he threw lots of food-like substances into the water, though these generous gifts always came attached to small pointy objects.
The Old Man had little inkling that this inspiring pastime would irreversibly influence his eldest daughter and her blog. 

One day, whilst hard at work sitting in a lake and companionably tormenting fish with his equally dedicated brother, the Old Man felt a hard pull on his line. It was, he decided, a snag. Then the snag had a tantrum and the Old Man revised his opinion. It was a decent fish. The Old Man and the decent fish skirmished for a while as the dedicated brother made a few strategic casts in attempt to rouse the decent fish's great-granddaddy. His efforts unfruitful, the dedicated brother pulled out his camera and started taking video. When the decent fish finally came forth from the water, the dedicated brother nearly fell out of his float tube. Fortunately for posterity, no one fell in the water and the film survived. 

The decent fish turned out to be a 30-inch trout, weighing 12 lbs and 11 oz. The sort of trout that could easily be misclassified as a salmon, and probably would have been if it hadn't been pulled out of a small reservoir in Southern Utah.   
After a few more hours of successfully tormenting additional fish, the Old Man rushed joyfully back to his family, and even paused to bestow a few perfunctory hugs before shoving them out the door to see the giant fish with its tail sticking halfway out of the cooler. There was much rejoicing. Everyone cooed over the beloved fish and plotted its tasty demise. 
The Old Man slipped away and was fishing again before dawn.

In ensuing months, the Old Man would often pause in his studies, lean back in his office chair, close his eyes, and smile. No one ever had to ask why.

His daughter would never be able to quite rid herself of the family fishing lifestyle enough to live a normal life. And though he continued to feign indifference to the contents of his daughter's blog, the Old Man dropped frequent hints that somewhere in history, a fish needed its story told.
8/30/2012 01:31:07 pm

Too funny, too true :)

Uncle Steve
8/31/2012 03:37:19 pm

Brilliant story young lady, I loved reading it as much as I loved hearing it from the old man.

9/1/2012 02:20:38 pm

Having fished with the "old man" I find this story absolutely hilarious and know that it is true in many ways. Let the old guy know I says hello, and it never is a bad time to be fishing.

UNCLE DAVE " The Brother"
9/3/2012 04:57:46 am

I laughed through the whole thing. That was awesome. You are very creative and that was an awesome "True" Story.

9/4/2012 03:06:04 pm

Thank you all :) Somehow I thought you fishermen might appreciate this...
The Old Man actually got to go fishing the other day. Sadly his efforts were fruitless. The rest of us got almost 2 quarts of blackberries though.


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